grey areas
- n.灰色地带,中间区域(界线不明、不易归类、难以界定或处理的领域或形势)
- grey area的复数

grey areas
N-COUNT 灰色地带,中间区域(界线不明、责任不清、难以处理的领域或情形)
If you refer to something as a grey area, you mean that it is unclear, for example because nobody is sure how to deal with it or who is responsible for it, or it falls between two separate categories of things.At the moment, the law on compensation is very much a grey area.
But business takes place in grey areas between examples .
In all of this , of course , there are grey areas .
what 's true is that we 're grey areas .
Light grey areas can the light ?
The many companies that find themselves in the grey areas are calling their lawyers .
The devil , however , is in the details and many grey areas exist .
" There are more and more grey areas " in broadcasting , he said .
But there are grey areas , and the news portals are testing the boundaries .
But alongside the more technical issues there are also grey areas relating to the ethics of banking .
These are grey areas & places which have fallen Between the two stools of prosperity and real depression .
These depend on both outright tax evasion and the exploitation of grey areas by tax avoidance .
One of the grey areas in the Australian debate is the link between domestic and feral cats .
Dark patches , grey areas ... scrub it away for a fresh face you won 't recognize .
Field of vision is not only the colour white and black , between black and white there is a long grey areas .
He always sees things in black and white & he can never accept that there are grey areas to most of these questions .
But some countries have started passing laws covering ride-sharing services , gradually helping Uber move out of legal grey areas and gain acceptance .
Having a convicted white collar criminal speak to students creates discussion about the grey areas of decision making and about the consequences of certain choices .
The law of the sea is a means of settling territorial disputes – but it relies on sensible behaviour by states in grey areas .
It is believed that there are such grey areas in the government 's Competition Bill that it is hard to prohibit agents from cutting off supplies to retailers by reason of their low prices .
They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain .
The scans revealed that people who most value the company of others have , on average , more dense grey matter in two areas of the brain known as the orbitofrontal cortex and the ventral striatum .